
Esca is a complex chronic disease and the most worrying for vine plants nowadays. The Esca complex is an increasing threat in the modern vineyards worldwide and many describe it as the new "Phylloxera” of 21st century. According to recent studies, its economic impact translates into 50 litres of wine per acre and per year even in the most famous areas of the European vineyards.


Grapevine plant material is a key source of infection for the transmission of fungi involved in the Esca complex. Many studies and research performed constantly prove to date that during the processing and propagation of plant material in the nurseries there can be over-transmission of fungi. Therefore, nurseries have a primary role in limiting the intensity and frequency as well as reducing the spread of the disease.


VNB, as the largest and quality-driven enterprise in the production of vine propagating material in the country, aims at the continuous optimization of production. Thus, since 2019, in collaboration with two research bodies, the Laboratory of Phytopathology of the Agricultural University of Athens and the Laboratory of Phytopathology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, designed the IMPROVITO project.


The IMPROVITO project is a unique and innovative program for the country. It is an effort that combines, on the one hand, all the information available worldwide and all the latest scientific data, and on the other hand all the know-how in propagating material, the experience and innovative ideas presented by VNB.


The IMPROVITO project deals with :

•The study and finding ways that will reduce the transmission of fungi during the production and propagation process within the nurseries.

• The detection – isolation of biological agents potentially antagonistic to esca fungi , which can be grafted on the plants supplied by the vine growers.

• The creation of "special products" in the nursery that will be proven "healthy" by a large group of fungi involved in the Esca complex.

• The creation of a standard maternal propagating plant material, free from the complex of Phaeomoniella, Phaeoacremonium and Ilyonectria fungi, to which the disease is largely due.


The goal set by VNB through IMPROVITO  project is to create a scientifically recognized protocol for the promotion of a range of products with guaranteed vigour and health and products "free” from wood diseases. Thus, VNB will contribute to the creation of longer-lived and more economically viable vineyards.



IMPROVITO is implemented under the RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE Action plan and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union and national resources through the OP. Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Operational Plan, with project code Τ2ΕΚ-05084